Saturday, November 19, 2011

Personal Favorite: Flashworx

Flashworx is a duo from Switzerland who burst onto the neo-electro scene in 2010 with an astoundingly fresh and engaging all-instrumental EP called Two Guys in Japan. Clearly drawing inspiration from italo-disco and Giorgio Moroder's classic instrumentals, Flashworx is all thumping dance music odysseys that are by turns flashy and flamboyant (especially with that electro-slide synth wine) and yet also moody and atmospheric. I really love the pulsating opener "Love is Anywhere", with its slow-building intro and a ponderous glass-twinkle key accent on the verse section.

I have special memories of listening to Flashworx while I drove my friends to a Japanese stakehouse in the middle of a blizzard last winter. There is something about icy synth music and cold, snowy weather that just go together. The exotic, far-off sound of Flashworx was perfect for the night, and I've never forgotten it.

Flashworx has captivated myself and my friends ever since. Fortunately, they promise more to come. In fact, they've just released a new EP this past month, and according to this interview they gave here, they have TWO more EPs and additional projects to come. Whatever they do, I hope it remains in the spirit of their now-classic debut EP.

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